Club Kit

Part of the fun of racing with a club is getting to run in team kit! Rather than holding lots of kit in stock we take orders two or three times a year, get the order made and then distribute the items individually.

Our next order is currently only, and will close on March 9th, you can order here:

If you’ve ordered an item in a previous kit run and haven’t yet collected it, please collect as soon as possible from Kinisi Run Hub on East Street, Bedminster.

  • Black SRC Buff

    Black SRC Buff

    A Black Southville Running Club Buff, used for cold weather to warm the neck, or even when snowboarding in the Alps!

  • Green Buff

    Green Buff

    A Green Southville Running Club Buff, used for cold weather to warm the neck, or even when snowboarding in the Alps!

  • Green Running T-Shirt

    Green Technical Running T-Shirt

    SRC-Green technical Running T-Shirt, with white logo elements to the front and back

    Available in multiple sizes and male and female version

  • Green Technical Running Vest

    Green Technical Running Vest

    SRC-Green technical Running Vest, with white logo elements to the front and back

    Available in multiple sizes and male and female version

  • High Vis T-Shirt

    High Vis T-Shirt

    High-Viz technical Running T-Shirt, which is a variant kit is in fluorescent green, with reflective logo elements to the front and back, along with reflective flat lock stitching on the side panels.

    Available in multiple sizes and male and female version

  • High Viz Vest

    High Viz Vest

    High-Viz technical Running Vest, which is a variant kit is in fluorescent green, with reflective logo elements to the front and back, along with reflective flat lock stitching on the side panels.

    Available in multiple sizes and male and female version

  • Old Technical Running Vest

    An older version of our running vest using a darker green and the old logo.

    Available in multiple sizes and male and female version

Buy-back policy

As it’s not easy to try items on before you order, the club will buy back any unwanted items in an unworn state. We do also have lots of kit between us and would suggest trying on someone else’s kit before placing an order to help find the right size for you.

Current stock

We do have a small number of items in stock which can be purchased. If you’re a member of the club and you’d like one of the items listed below, please email us to arrange.

Item Price Size Quantity
Vests £24 Male S 1
Female XS 2
T-shirts £26 Male S 1
Male M 1
Female XS 1