Grievance and disciplinary policy

Complaints and Disputes

  1. All concerns, allegations or reports of malpractice or abuse relating to the welfare of children or vulnerable adults will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the Club’s and England Athletics’s safeguarding policy and procedures. The Welfare Officer shall be the lead Officer for all Runners in the event of any safeguarding concerns.

  2. Any complaints of misconduct (improper or unprofessional conduct) regarding the behaviour of Runners, Members and Officers must be presented in writing to the Club Secretary. (Where the matter relates to the Secretary, the complaint must be submitted to the Lead Welfare Officer, and any further references to “Secretary” refer to them.) Unless exceptional circumstances apply, the Secretary will respond to complaints within fourteen days of receiving a complaint. If the complaint is sufficiently evidenced, the Secretary will appoint three Club Members (who have no direct or indirect interest/involvement in the matter) to sit on a disciplinary panel. Subject to rule 5 below, a decision of the disciplinary panel shall be final and conclusive.

  3. If a disciplinary panel is convened, the Secretary, panel members and any other volunteers responsible may be guided by England Athletics’ “Managing club disputes and complaints” handbook. 

  4. The Secretary will inform any person subject to a disciplinary panel of who is on the panel, and the date the panel will meet, at least seven days in advance of the meeting. Any person asked to attend a disciplinary panel meeting (whether as a subject, witness or any other capacity) may be accompanied by another person for support.

  5. Any appeals must be received by the Secretary within seven days of receiving the panel’s written decision, and, if appropriate, the appeals process below will be followed.

  6. Any appeals must be presented to the Secretary, unless the matter relates to the Secretary in which case the appeal must be presented to the Lead Welfare Officer. The appeal should state why the outcome was wrong or unfair, and what the appellant would like to happen next (e.g. for new evidence to be presented).

  7. The Secretary will review within seven days whether there are sufficient grounds for appeal. If sufficient grounds are noted, they will commence the appeal process. If not, the appeal will be dismissed and the original disciplinary panel decision will be final.

  8. If the appeal process commences, the Secretary will appoint an appeal panel of three Club Members who have not been previously involved, either in the events giving rise to the hearing, or in the initial disciplinary hearing. The decision of the appeal panel will be final and there will be no further recourse within the club.

  9. Any complaints of serious misconduct (including, without limitation, theft, doping violations, fraud, physical violence, safeguarding policy breaches, serious breach of applicable health and safety, gambling and/or ticketing regulations or any act or omission by the Runner or Officer which in the opinion of England Athletics, acting reasonably, brings or is likely to bring the sport of athletics into disrepute) regarding the behaviour of Runners or Officers shall be reported to and dealt with by England Athletics in accordance with its Disciplinary Procedures.

  10. If a dispute arises between any Runners or Officers of the Club about the validity or propriety of anything done by any Runner or Officer under these Rules and the dispute cannot be resolved by agreement, the parties to the dispute must first try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to litigation.