Southville RC Newsletter August 2024

Hi Everyone,

Appointment of Deputy Co-Chairs

Our Chair Chris Hopes is delegating his Tuesday night duties until the end of the year and
has made a statement outlining his reasons for stepping back.

Chris will remain de jure Chair and Club Director until the end of his term at the Annual General Meeting in January, and we plan to give him a proper send-off then. Chris has put in a huge amount of work on the unseen tasks behind the scenes and to drive improvements in how we bring forward new group leaders, and his experience, diligence and judgment has been invaluable during his time as Chair.

In the meantime, we are delighted to announce that Liam Coleman and Kayleigh Doherty have volunteered to be appointed as Deputy co-Chairs, and will share the duties of organising Tuesday nights until the AGM. At that time, both of them, along with all other SRC members,
will be able to stand for election to replace Chris as full co-Chairs or for any other combination of the Director posts as they prefer. A huge thank you to both.

Running a volunteer club like ours is never a one-person job and I know we will all continue to step in and help out as needed. 

Race roundup 

Twenty Southvillers took on the 102 miles of the Cotswold Relay on Saturday 6th, taking it in turns to run 10 tough stages from Chipping Camden all the way down to the doors of Bath Abbey.

Both teams put in great efforts all the way to the end, with the Southville Sharks coming 24th in the Mixed category (minimum four women) and the Southville Scorpions coming 9th in the Open category (no restrictions).

A special well done to Jade and Penny who became the fastest Southville women over stages 9 and 10 respectively in our 14-year history at this event, and Ross, Liam and Tom who became the fastest Southville men over 2, 4 and 6. (My record was nice while it lasted...) Finally, a big thank you to team captains Penny and Ed for all their help with the logistics. 

The 2025 Cotswold Way Relay will open for entries early in 2025, so if you're interested in joining us next year, keep an eye on our socials after the New Year, as we need people to commit early.

We also had another big turnout at the Cider Frolic, where Katie Madgwick took 1st lady in the 12 hour solo. Ed Denning and Rich Pearce ran the whole 24 hours, with Ed running the furthest he's ever been and smashing his 100k target. Meanwhile, another Ed (Chappel) had unfinished business in another überrace, running 100 miles along the South Wales coast to get his revenge over the Dragon 100.

Other big results from July included Dave Humphreys' 3rd overall and Mike McBeth's 1st Vet60 in the TACH Purdown Pursuit, and Jane Faram's 2nd lady at the Rabbit Run.

If you've had a big result, don't forget to tag @southvillerunningclub on Facebook or Instagram, or share your celebrations in the SRC members
WhatsApp group. Racing is for everyone so we want to know about your PBs and not just the podium places!

Upcoming races

School's out, it's swelteringly hot, which means the Autumn racing season will soon be upon us. The Keynsham Dandy and the Mendip Muddle are going head-to-head on the same day in October, and the Weston Prom series can also be found in the Dates for your Diary section at the bottom of this newsletter. We also have a 30% SRC discount on the new Bristol to Bath Trail Marathon;
email us with your membership details or ask in the WhatsApp group for the code. (Please note this is a completely new race from a new organiser.)

The Sodbury Slog on 10 November is also now open for entries; if you fancy this famous race rich in tradition, scenery and waist-deep mud, sign up fast as it has historically sold out very quickly.

In the meantime, the final Towpath race of the series will be on Friday August 23, and as always we'll be heading to the Tobacco Factory afterwards. 

Last chance for kit orders until the Autumn

Our kit shop is taking its last orders and will close this Sunday 4th August.

The Scimitar shop is now selling our usual T-shirts and vests, plus buffs in green and black. Delivery is expected 16th - 20th September. The postage is free as they are delivering in bulk to a member of the club committee. You will be able to pick up your new kit at club nights on Tuesday or Thursday, or at other times/places in Southville at our discretion.

The sizes run big, so ordering a size down from your usual size is recommended (unless you like baggy kit). If your size when ordered does not fit, the club will buy the kit back at cost as long as you have not run in it and the tags are still on. Buffs are one size fits all.

To pre-order 
follow this link to purchase online. After entering your billing address, untick the “deliver to different address” box below it; there is no need to add a delivery address as you will be picking the order up from club.

Social news

A big thanks to Susan, Laura and Hayley for organising our 2024 Summer Party.

There are currently no socials planned for August (other than the Jurassic camping weekend, which is now closed, and the post-Towpath Tobacco Factory social). If you've got a great idea for an SRC social, head to the WhatsApp group and join the Social Committee channel, and we can help you make it happen.

Parkrun news

On the first Saturday of each month we aim for a big SRC turnout at our home parkrun of Ashton Court. This month that's August 3rd. At least four Southvillers at last count are celebrating big milestones this Saturday, so join us for cake, good vibes and the perfect start to the weekend.

This month's parkrun tourism day will be all the way at the other end of the month on Saturday 31st, and this month we'll be off to
Tetbury Goods Shed. It's a two-lap course with a mix of grass and tarmac. Put GL8 8EY into your satnavs, not the postcode on the parkrun's home page, as that leads to a dead end with no parking. If you are in need of a lift, or can offer one, head to our Facebook group or members-only WhatsApp.

And if you fancy a double challenge, you've got enough time after the parkrun ends to make it to the
Flying Monk 10k in Malmesbury, a short ten minute drive away with an 11am start. The 10k takes in the country's oldest Roman road and some quiet country lanes.

When do you run with club? Tell us!

Do you run once a month? Twice a week? Would you like to do it wearing an SRC-branded tricorn hat? We’d really like to understand more about how and when you visit us for a club run. To that end, we’ve put together a very short survey to help us make more informed decisions for the club. It’s for everyone, members and non-members, and we’d really appreciate it if you could
take a few minutes to fill it in.

Got change? Need change?

We continue to look at whether we can adopt an electronic payment system for Tuesday and Thursday nights that would not have a disproportionate cost or impose an undue burden on the person-in-charge to stand at the door with a machine. In the meantime, if you are a business owner and are in need of 50ps, why not use us as a change machine?
Let us know if you can take our 50ps off our hands in exchange for paper currency.

Dates for your Diary

🧡Sat August 3 - SRC @ Ashton Court parkrun
🚌August 16-18 - SRC Jurassic Coast Extravaganza
🏁Sun August 18 -
Two Tunnels
🏁Fri August 23 - Towpath 5k
🧡Fri August 31 - Tetbury Goods Shed parkrun, followed by...
🏁Fri August 31 - ...the Flying Monk 10k, Malmesbury 
🏁Thu September 5 -
Rowberrow Romp
🎽Thu September 12 - Last track session
🏁Thu September 12 - Weston Prom Run
🏁Sat October 5 - Bristol to Bath Trail Marathon
🏁Sun October 20 -
Keynsham Dandy...
🏁Sun October 20 -
...and the Mendip Muddle
🏁Thu October 24 - Weston Prom Run
🏁Sun November 10 -
Sodbury Slog
🏁Thu November 28 - Weston Prom Run
🏁Sun December 15 - Weston Christmas Cracker
🏁Thu December 19 - Weston Prom Run


All the best,

Southville Running Club

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Southville RC Newsletter September 2024


Southville RC Newsletter July 2024