Southville RC Newsletter June 2024

Race roundup 

On Sunday 19th over a hundred Southvillers entered Bristol's biggest running event, the Great Bristol 10k and Half Marathon. We had an amazing turnout with 72 of us running the Half and 30 running the 10k. Well done to everyone who ran; there were some great firsts and PBs despite the hot conditions. 

The next Friday saw the hotly anticipated Towpath Mobmatch. A huge turnout and a mammoth effort from the Green Army couldn't stop Bristol and West's elite battalions from taking back the Towpath Mobmatch trophy we'd held for two years. Nevertheless we did extremely well to come 2nd, and retained our proud record of finishing silver or better since 2012. A huge congratulations to everyone who ran, especially Katie Egan who took home 3rd lady. A big thank you to our Club Captains Sophie and Laura for promoting and organising the event.

The next day it was time for one of our biggest away days; over 40 of us headed to Cornwall for the Classic Quarter, a 44 mile race from the southerlyest point of England at Lizard to the most westerly at Lands End, which we took on in fours, pairs and 5 intrepid solos.

Special congratulations to Penny who took the crown of Queen of Stage 1 for the overall fastest women's time in the first quarter (even though it was only her first of two). Plus Rachael and Katie who came 2nd in the women's pairs. And to all the runners who took on the tough conditions featuring sun, wind, rain, rocks, and the temptation to fall over while looking at the scenery. A big thank you to Tony Myers for organising the accommodation and Ed Dening for co-ordinating the post-race food. 

Interested in running the Classic Quarter next year? Head to the members' WhatsApp group - we're currently counting heads to work out whether we can book the youth hostel again. Don't delay - we have to book the whole hostel or not at all, and we need to know numbers ASAP to work out whether it's feasible.

Clevedon 10k

June's biggest race will be the Clevedon 10k, a fast, flat course through winding country roads around Clevedon on Tuesday June 11th. There's some serious PB potential as long as it's not too hot, and even if it is, it's still an enjoyable run and always has a big SRC turnout.

There will be a post-race SRC social in the Failand Inn, BS8 3TU. This year we'll be ordering and paying for our food in advance, which should reduce the wait time compared to last year. To pre-order, view the menu on the Facebook event or the WhatsApp group, then put your choice on this spreadsheet, and send your payment to the bank details at the top of the sheet. If you're coming to the pub but not eating, just put your name down and "drinks only".

Social news

On Sunday June 23rd, join us for the inaugural SRC sports day at Victoria Park, followed by some drinks at a pub (location TBC). Games to include Rounders, volleyball, ringtoss, limbo, egg 'n' spoon and more! Come along to meet new people at the club in a fun event for all!

Two days later, on our usual Tuesday running night of the 25th, there's extra reason to stick around as we'll be handing out the prizes for this year's SRC Championship, after the scores have been tallied by Chris Hopes. Even better, the scotch egg man is back with scotch eggs of various flavours (including veggie) to refuel after your run.

And looking ahead to the next month, tickets are now on sale for the SRC Summer Party on Friday July 26th. Join us for a fun-filled affair at The Thunderbolt with dancing, nibbles and drinks!

Click here to get your tickets from Eventbrite!

Quarterly General Meeting

Our next QGM will be after Tuesday running night on 18th June, and will again be in the back of the Southbank. Everyone is welcome to stay and have their say in how the club is run. The agenda will be circulated via this mailing list and the members' WhatsApp in advance of the meeting.

If you would like something added to the agenda, please let Sam know by 8th June.

Parkrun news

Normal service is resumed thisSaturday 1st June (today!); there will be a big SRC turnout at Ashton Court, particularly as it's SRC's Jane Duffus' 400th.

This month's parkrun tourism will be the rescheduledvisit to Clevedon and will be a week later onSaturday 8th June. Bring your swimming costumes for a dip afterwards. 

OnSunday 16th June we'll be holding an SRC volunteer takeover of a Junior Parkrun for the first time at Greville Smyth. Junior Parkrun is just like the big parkruns, except it's 2km, on Sunday and for runners aged 14 and under. Volunteer roles are now being assigned -head to the Facebook event page or contact Clara to put your name down. 

Dates for your Diary

🧡Sat June 1 - SRC @ Ashton Court parkrun
🏆Mon June 3 - Hogweed Trot
🧡Sat June 8 - Clevedon parkrun & dip
🏁Tue June 11 - Clevedon Midsummer 10k
🧡Sun June 16 - Junior Parkrun takeover, Greville Smyth
🗳️Tue June 18 - Quarterly General Meeting
🏁Fri June 21 - Towpath 10k
🚌Sat June 22 - Breakheart Backyard Ultra, Gloucester
🥳Sun June 23 - SRC Sports Day
🏆Tue June 25 - SRC Championship prizegiving + scotch eggs
🚌Sat July 6 - Cotswold Way Relay
🚌July 11-14 - Love Trails, Gower
🎽Thu July 11 - No track session
🏁Fri July 26 - Towpath 10k
🥳Fri July 26 - SRC Summer Party
🚌August 16-18 - SRC Jurassic Coast Extravaganza
🏁Fri August 23 - Towpath 5k
🧡Fri August 31 - Tetbury Goods Shed parkrun, followed by...
🏁Fri August 31 - ...the Flying Monk 10k, Malmesbury 
🎽Thu September 12 - Last track session

All the best,

Southville Running Club


Southville RC Newsletter July 2024


Southville RC Newsletter May 2024